
Email: eg555@cam.ac.uk

Phone: +447476020684

Office: E0.10, Center for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

I am a 4th-year pure math Ph.D. student at the University of Cambridge. I work in algebraic geometry, specifically the Gross-Siebert program in mirror symmetry and logarithmic Gromov-Witten theory.

My supervisor is Mark Gross.

I got my BSc from HSE, Moscow (2019) where my supervisor was Michael Finkelberg, and a MASt (Part III) from Cambridge (also 2019).

Research: I have a published research paper based on my Bachelor's thesis. See here for some expository papers, translations, and applied mathematics studies.

Teaching: I was a teaching assistant during my undergraduate years and have been a supervisor at Cambridge (as well as chair and seminar series director for the Part III Seminar Series). I have also been a math tutor since I started my undergraduate program. See here for more information.

Work: I work part-time as a technical consultant at MatLogica, a high performance computing (HPC) company. I am also on the Executive Committee of the Cambridge alumni in Russia society.

Hobbies: I play ice hockey for the Cambridge Blues. I am also an amateur boxer and origami artist.